It was actually challenging (other ones we’ve done haven’t been) and really made us think and work together as a team
Play Head-To-Head
Play Head-to-Head
Mountain Blizzard

What Our Customers Say
It was extremely well designed and thought through – no issues with the software or struggling to get something
It was definitely a great change from the usual quizzes which is really refreshing
Thanks so much for helping us out – raving feedback from the AKL teams, they absolutely loved it!! Honestly, I think this is the best feedback we’ve had from a team event in a long time so thanks so much ?
We played the online escape room for our family activity. It was awesome because our family in Sydney could play too. I would highly recommend it to others that are bored during lock down.
We really enjoyed Ben’s big heist during lockdown. Really entertainment for our family via Zoom. It was tough! But thoroughly worth the $40 for a few hours entertainment.
Great value for money!! Enjoyable evening that had us entertained for over an hour